Office design: The do's and Don'ts for a Productive Workspace

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Interior Office Design in 2024

May 3rd, 2024

When it comes to designing the interior of your new office space, making the right choices can significantly impact the productivity, comfort and overall atmosphere for you and your team. With such high stakes, you need to be sure that your designs accurately reflect your business’ culture. Here are some essential do’s and don’ts to consider before you start planning, so you can create a workspace that enables your team to do their best work.

The Don’ts

Don’t make colour choices you may live to regret

Garish green, bright purple, luminous turquoise – even if these are your brand colours, how much your employees will enjoy being surrounded by them is questionable.

Avoid overwhelming your employees with bright colours that may distract them from their work and adversely affect their productivity. Whilst it’s tempting to splash your brand’s vibrant colours all over the office, consider more subtle ways to incorporate them. Opt for accents or muted tones that represent your brand without overwhelming the space.

Plants are a must, but don’t create a jungle

We know biophilia is important for bringing some much-needed calm to the working day, however there’s no need to go overboard. Overzealous designers can cause offices to feel cramped, due to the sheer volume of plants they’ve tried to squeeze into the space, all in the name of wellbeing.

It’s crucial to strike a balance with a curated selection of plants to avoid overcrowding, and maintain a sense of space and tranquillity.

Don’t overlook privacy

Whilst collaboration is essential, privacy is also crucial, not only for focused work but also for those more confidential discussions. Avoid open-plan designs that sacrifice privacy entirely, and instead incorporate quiet zones or private meeting rooms where employees can concentrate or hold sensitive conversations.

Privacy is a must in office design

Don’t opt for style over substance

Things like low-to-the-floor chairs and sofas may look aesthetically pleasing, but picture the awkwardness of your client struggling to stand up after an important meeting, or a pregnant colleague needing support, and it soon loses its charm. Furniture should be ergonomic, and yes, stylish, but ultimately functional.

Don’t skimp on the tech

Remember, designing your workspace isn’t just about the visual side, but also how you can help your team to do their work as effectively as possible.

Investing in technology such as high quality headsets, to minimise background noise on calls, can make a major impact on your bottom line. Investing in fast, reliable WiFi, ensures uninterrupted connectivity which keeps productivity levels high.

The Do’s

Everything should have a place

We may live in a digital age, but walk around most offices and you’ll likely still see piles of paper scattered about, plus bags thrown over chairs and other detritus that’s crying out for a permanent home. When planning your office space, remember to plan so that everything has a dedicated place – from stationary to staff coats, notepads to waste. This helps to avoid the office becoming overly cluttered, which can act as a distraction, leading to a negative impact on both employee wellbeing and productivity.

Effective workspace design should be practical as well as beautiful


Breakout spaces are a must

Another one to supercharge productivity. It’s been proven time and time again that employees are overall more productive and happy if they have a dedicated space to unwind during their breaks. This avoids the ‘eating over your keyword whilst reading emails’ scenario, encouraging staff to take the rest they need, in order to come back recharged and ready to work.

We’ve seen the results of this first hand. Just ask our tenants at our serviced offices in Holborn, who enjoy a much-loved private roof terrace on their breaks

Do get your team involved

Just like your own home, having a say in the design of your everyday environment goes a long way to feeling positive about it. Keep your team involved in the planning and consider using voting to keep it fair but productive. Encouraging feedback from the outset ensures the office design reflects their needs and preferences.

Do get your landlord or flex provider’s support

You don’t have to do this alone! At WorkPad, we have a dedicated in-house designer who will work with you to plan the perfect space for your business to thrive, considering everything from traffic flow, air quality, natural light, right through to productivity zones, stylish furniture and those finishing design touches.

Design your new office with us

Ready to create a space that reflects your business whilst offering an uplifting and inspiring environment for your team? WorkPad is here to support you through your next office move. Find a workspace or get in contact with our professional team today.

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