How To Maximise Space In Your Serviced Office

How To Maximise Space In Your Serviced Office

May 28th, 2024

Whether you’ve just secured a new serviced office in one of London’s prime locations,  or you’re wondering how you can give your current office a space-saving facelift; we have some essential tips to maximise your workspace.

From strategic colour choices to functional furniture, internal policies to features – we’ve collated a breakdown of the most helpful tips for creating a space your team will enjoy and thrive in.

10 Tips For Maximising Your Serviced Office Space

1. Choose flexible furniture

Opt for furniture that can easily be reconfigured, so you can adapt the office layout as needed. For example, under-desk cabinets with wheels, wall mounted desks that can be folded away when not needed and height-adjustable tables.

2. Go digital

One clever and eco-efficient way to maximise your office space is to reduce clutter by going for a digital approach, making yourself a paperless workspace.

Cloud-based storage services and touch screen writing devices replace overfilled filing cabinets and scattered notepads.

Investing in space-saving tech also adds an element of sophistication to your workspace, choosing interactive whiteboards over bulky, traditional flip chart easels. 

3. Consider shared desks

 Implementing a flexible desk arrangement means you don’t need a desk for every single employee, which is ideal for saving space, especially for those businesses that have a hybrid work policy.

4. Ditch the coat stand

Large bulky items like the staple office coat stand may look great, but they take up far too much unnecessary space, even in the biggest office. Every item you choose for your office should be a considered choice. Always seek out other space saving, practical alternatives before making a purchase.

5. Opt for glass partitions

 Whether you want to add a meeting room to your office or a separate breakout space for downtime, use glass partitions (either see-through or with frosted glass), to help maintain a spacious feel and allow the light to flow through.6. Avoid unsightly cables

Cable tidies help reduce wire clutter from the office, maintaining a professional and sleek feel. A cost effective, but simple way to improve the appearance of your workspace.

Glass creates a feeling of space

7. Install employee lockers

One of the biggest contributors to office feng shui is employees’ personal belongings. Bags on the side of desks, coats thrown over chairs and lunch boxes on display. Consider instead investing in employee lockers – so personal belongings can be kept neatly out of sight.

8 Start a tidy desk policy

Speaking of employee mess, don’t be afraid to introduce a tidy desk policy for your team. Mess impacts mood after all, so it’s something that benefits everyone.

9. Opt for light colours 

Choosing a light colour scheme, both for your walls and furniture, helps to create the illusion of a bigger space. You should also make use of any natural light you can, whilst adding artificial light to brighten any darker areas.

Mill Street office space
Light colours help boost your mood

10. Leave it to the professionals

One major benefit of securing a serviced office with WorkPad, across our impressive London portfolio, is the access to our workspace design and planning experts. From entire floors to six person offices – we’ll help you maximise your space in a comfortable, clean and professional way.

I’ve gone for long tail as we need to maintain a balance between exact match and this

Edward Griffin

Edward has been CEO since November 2020. His career began at RBS International and has included roles at Transworld Couriers,...

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