The benefits of green spaces in the workplace

The importance of green spaces in the workplace: 5 design ideas you can use right now

July 22nd, 2022

Many business owners and team leaders are beginning to embrace the importance of employee wellbeing, and for good reason. Countless studies in the past few years indicate that a focus on employee wellness not only leads to increased levels of satisfaction at work but can also have an economic benefit, in terms of increased productivity and output. 


In a time where the cost of living has soared, pandemics threaten our freedoms and record levels of employee burnout are being recorded, bringing your office closer to nature with the right design could have a huge impact on your business. And it’s not as hard as you think.

Those workplaces that understand the importance of green spaces – improve cognitive function by up to 26% and reduce sickness-related absenteeism by 30%.


Use the design ideas below to quickly brighten your office and improve team morale. 


Wall gardens


As more and more businesses have recognised the power of added greenery in the workplace, vertical wall gardens have become very popular in offices, hotels and even homes. They offer a fast and easy way to add colour and vibrancy to your workspace.


Perfect for offices with limited floor space, vertical walls use colourful climbers such as jasmine, ivy or passion flowers to quickly cover up bare space and create a living, breathing feature that adds a welcoming and tranquil vibe.  


Plant pots


Daily interaction with indoor plants has been shown to reduce psychological and physiological stress. So what easier way to make your office a happier place than to keep living plants throughout the building or property?


Simply placing a low maintenance plant such as a cactus or bonsai within your space accompanied by larger plants in strategic areas, will help bring nature into your workplace. Tasking each department to look after and nurture their own plant will also improve their impact and ensure your team is interacting with the greenery around them. 

Hanging planters


Indoor hanging plant displays are a fantastic way to add a touch of uniqueness and style to unusual areas of your office, or areas that would not often be decorated. They can help draw the eye, make commercial spaces appear cosier and more elegant, all without taking up valuable floor space. 


We recommend semi-low maintenance plants such as Pothos or English Ivy for your first hanging displays, as you can enjoy them without constantly having to look after them!


Revitalise kitchen areas 


The workplace kitchen is often where your team members will gather to talk, take a rest or spend their lunch breaks. It only makes sense that your newfound greenery makes its way into this location. The great thing about having living plants in the kitchen is that they can help purify the air and decrease humidity. 


Hardy, low maintenance plants such as ivy, jasmine and aloe vera will bring nature into your kitchen area without requiring too much attention from your team.


Maximising natural light and ventilation 


Learning how to maximise and optimise natural light in your office is crucial to not only worker wellness but also the health of your new plant associates. 


Studies have shown that an abundance of natural light can have a compound effect on green spaces, such as  this study – which shows an 84% decrease in common office complaints  including headaches and eye strains when natural light is optimised, thus aiding the well-being of not only your staff but also your green space design.

Learn how to incorporate green workspace design into your office


The importance of strategic greenery in the workplace cannot be understated. For example, the communal outdoor space of our offices and the locations being in close proximity of green spaces throughout London allow for staff to de-stress and relax during breaks within their work day. However, understanding what and where certain elements will have an impact is not easy. By collaborating with our expert in-house designers we can help you create an office that maximises both long-term productivity and wellbeing. Get in touch to see what we can do for you.

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